New Painting & Shop

Scottie DogI was emailing with my friend Lori a few days ago and she asked me if I could paint a Scottish Terrier for her. I said sure. She then asked for a plaid background. I said, uh….

But in any event, here is the nearly-final painting. This afternoon I added a final touch – a small dog bone sitting near the dog’s feet. It’s very cute and I emailed her to see if she liked it, because if not then I plan on putting it up in my Etsy shop.

As for the shop itself, I do have one sale so far and I get lots of compliments from other Etsy users. However, apparently the months of March and April are VERY slow for most Etsy sellers, and it really picks up in May. So hopefully by May I’ll have such a large amount of inventory that people will start buying. We’ll see.

As of today I have finished 17 paintings total. Thirteen of them have gone up on Etsy so far, and one of those went in the trash (yes, I was finally able to pitch the infamously bad pacifier painting). I also have two other paintings that I’ve prepped for painting tonight (building blocks and a crown).

Lastly, I finally have my shop up and running. I spent a good portion of Friday night and Saturday night working on it, and it is an actual functioning shop. I may add a blog in later on, but for now I’m content to have it just be a shop. There are some wonky bits to sort out on the sidebar, and I plan to make the front page a bit fancier as far as content, but I’m happy with it. Now I just have to get my license and make it official!

12 comments on “New Painting & Shop

  • bev , Direct link to comment

    The site is beautiful! Also, love the work. We’re expecting a grandbaby in July, once I see the nursery colors, I think Ill get with you about something for his room.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Oh thanks, Bev! That’s very kind of you. And if you see something you like that doesn’t have the exact colors, I can customize it for you to match…

  • jen , Direct link to comment

    Yay for profits! I like the site – maybe I should do something like that for my jewelry.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Well, Jen, I guess yo udidn’t read my front page on SSA that said, “At some point I may offer some jewelry made by my sister, Jen”. I thought I’d throw that up there as a future option should you wish to join me there.

  • Denis , Direct link to comment

    I think the Scottie might be your finest work yet — even despite the fem dog collar. LOL


  • jen , Direct link to comment

    I confess that I didn’t read every word on the front page the first time I looked at it. Oops! 😆

    We can talk, for sure. I have some jewelry ready for sale that Joanie never sold before her shop closed. I just need to take some pictures for posting. I’ve also started an Etsy page. And I need to get back into the jewelry making – I have ideas in my head from as far back as my bed rest days.

  • bev , Direct link to comment

    Hey, Jaynee, I am certainly not an artist and a pretty lame crafter also, but I just had a thought about the person who asked you for a plaid background for the scottie painting. Do you think it would work to stretch a heavy cotton plaid fabric on the frame and then paint on it instead of the canvas fabric? I would imagine that painting a plaid could be tough.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Bev – I had thought of that, but my fear is that the paints would soak right into the fabric. Another thought is to cut out the “pattern” (read: dog outline) and then put it on the canvas. Fortunately I just got in some fabric last night that I was going to use to try out another painting, so I’ll try it out with that.

  • bev , Direct link to comment

    Yep, you already had a better idea! That sounds like it will work very well!

  • Cristan , Direct link to comment

    When I was in school I used to use clear acrylic spray paint on some of my projects. That might work with fabric, then you could use the fabric just as you use the canvas.
    Oh! The possibilities if you start using fabric, too!

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    I use acrylic clear spray to finalize my paintings after I’ve signed them. Didn’t think it could be used as a SURFACE. something to think about!

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