Sorry About That

Sorry I didn’t post at all today (or yesterday, I should say, since it’s now after midnight). But the reason for that was that between work and internet stuff I just didn’t even think about posting. You see, I finally was able to do some work on the domain I bought for my art stuff, and with Mr. BIL off site at a meeting from 10:45 a.m. – 1 p.m. it was the perfect opportunity to work on it uninterrupted.

What was great was that upon his return to the office we spent the next five hours really getting stuff cleared off his desk. He’s also going to come in over the weekend and do some more so that on Monday I can spend the day getting even more done while he’s offsite at an all-day mediation. And in still other good news – he is specifically NOT making any appointments for next week so that we can spend the entire week finishing up every single task that just keeps languishing in his office. So with any luck, by next Friday (a holiday for us!) he’ll be completely up to date. THAT would be awesome and a load off my mind.

One of the paralegals in my office retired today. We had a nice lunch for her in one of the conference rooms (BBQ! YUM!) and everyone told very sweet stories about her. She and her husband are planning a six week trip in an RV to the west coast. She is excited but also slightly terrified about driving that thing. *lol* She spent the rest of the afternoon bequeathing various objects from her cubicle. I made off with a ceramic pen cup, a stapler remover and a letter opener. All very mundane, but I needed them, so I feel like I did well! She will be missed on Monday. Her replacement came in to train a bit this week and seemed very stuffy – which is so NOT what The Firm is like. She wore a full-on dress suit and was more dressed up than some of our female attorneys!

They asked for volunteers to come in and work this weekend on a big deal that is closing on Monday. I volunteered to come in tomorrow (or today, rather), but at the last minute the attorney decided he was in good shape and didn’t need the volunteers to come in. Part of me was happy (who wants to waste a Saturday in an office?) but the other part was sad (3 hrs OT would have been nice).

Okay, I’m off. Have a good night (or day!)