A Little OT

I don’t mind working overtime – I like that little bit of extra money I get in the next paycheck. However, I object to overtime when it is needed due to the inefficiencies of my boss, not an abundance of work.

Case in point: This morning Mr. BIL told me he had three letters he needed to get out. He proceeded to ignore/avoid me most of the day and at 4:30 p.m. came to me with FIVE letters (with various cc:s and enclosures) that all needed to go out tonight. Our last mail pickup is 5 p.m. *sigh* I immediately begged the mail guy to stay until 5:30 p.m., and he agreed. So I got to work and spent the next hour cranking out copies for the various packages that had to go out. At 5:25 p.m. I got them into the mailguy’s hands and he was on his way.

But then Mr. BIL said we needed to work on another client item that has to be FedEx’d tonight. So I gamely started working on it and he promptly got on the phone. I had it on his desk by 5:45 p.m. It is now 6:21 p.m. (21 minutes past closing time for me), and he’s still on the phone and I’m still awaiting his final approval and signature so that I can get this package out. *HE’S* the one that wants this out so bad, and yet he’s wasting *MY* time.

He’s lucky he’s a good boss 99.9% of the time or I’d be super-pissed right now.