Jaynee’s Gettin’ Serious

So tonight at dinner I was telling Denis about how I found a great article online on how artists can get their artwork put into smaller gift shops in their local area. It was a really encouraging article that provided some great insight on how to approach local shops with an eye on getting stuff added to the inventory of the store.

At some point Denis said something like, “Sounds like you are getting serious about this painting stuff,” to which I said, “You know what? I am!”

So I just hopped online and bought a domain specifically for selling my artwork. And I’m going to see what I need to do to get a D/B/A retail license to sell in South Carolina. I’m very excited – even if it takes me a couple years to make anything of it, I’m excited when I think about the possibilities.

And now I’m off to finish my football painting and get started on the teddybear piece. If I expect to make any money I need to get together plenty of inventory!!

03 comments on “Jaynee’s Gettin’ Serious

  • Jean , Direct link to comment

    That’s awesome, Jane!!! I think your artwork rocks, and I will definitely pimp it out to all my friends and family. I wish I could get as motivated about some of my hobbies/projects!

  • bev , Direct link to comment

    Hey, Congrats, I just saw that one of your items sold at ETSY!! That is AWESOME!

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