I’m Going For It

I’m going to give it a shot and try to sell some artwork. I’ve started a widget on my right sidebar that shows the two most recent additions that are currently up for sale. Hopefully I’ll have a couple more up in the next couple of days, but for now I have five pieces up at Etsy.com

I’ve gotten some nice feedback from one of the artists that I contacted on eBay. I sent her a couple pictures of what I’ve done and she’s really given me good constructive criticism and encouragement, which I appreciate a lot.

I also messed around with some stuff I wanted to try with regard to “personalizing art” and I think I’ll have to pass on parts of it. Most of the problem comes because I intended to freehand some lettering and it just came out a mess (fortunately I was able to paint over it). I’ll have to rethink how to do the personalization – I may go for a mixed media type stuff and put felt lettering on the canvas instead of trying to paint in the lettering.

In any event, let the sales (I hope!) begin!!