Back At Work

Back to the real world today – I’m back at work and BOY HOWDY is my work area a complete mess. Seriously – it’s like a bomb went off here (I’ll have to take a picture for Flickr). Fortunately, with Mr. BIL out this week, today is being dedicated to emails, voicemails, and organization. Tomorrow I’ll begin with the tasks.

Especially since the most important task today was getting the NCAA tournament pool up and running for The Firm. Yes, I’m taking over the duties for the pool at the office. *lol* I had a few emails sent to me while I was on vacation, and then a few more yesterday when I was chilling at home. So today I signed up for a tourney at CBS for everyone and already have quite a few people signed up for it. Games start Thursday! YAY!

That’s all I have for now. My next day off is April 6, which is Good Friday. That’s a holiday for those at The Firm.

One comment on “Back At Work

  • Princess Jami , Direct link to comment

    Woo! Hooray for March Madness, the only time I care about basketball! 🙂

    I think it’s great you get Good Friday off. Wow. I didn’t think companies did that.

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