This was my other in-flight movie, watched on the plane home from Scotland. Other than the fact that Jessica Biel could NEVER come across as being British no matter how hard she tried the accent, it was a good movie. Edward Norton was fabulous as a magician uses his abilities to secure the love of a woman far above his social standing (as Amazon poorly describes it). Lush sepia-toned cinematography helps this movie become quite a fairy tale, with excellent performances by Paul Giamatti and Rufus Sewell (who plays bad guys SO well). My main disappointment came in the fact that the scene with the lightbulbs in the field was deleted from the airplane version. I kept waiting for it and it never showed up. Stupid airline.
Anyway, if you like a quiet, understated mystery with beautifully shot scenes and splendid acting, this is a movie for you.
3 1/2 lockets out of five.
And a fine haunting score by Phillip Glass.
I think you’re thinking of the field of lightbulbs from The Prestige – another movie about magicians that came out at the same time. Its good – well worth renting and David Bowie is in it!
Ah yes! Claire! That’s it! No wonder I kept waiting for Hugh Jackman to appear in this one. *lol*