Oh, And I’ve Decided

I’ve been meaning to post this and just never got around to it. But I confirmed that the last Harry Potter book is coming out July 21st. And barring no unforseen delays, I plan on having my Blogathon be all about Harry Potter and will read the last book during the Blogathon and post about it. The 2007 Blogathon is scheduled for July 28. So it’ll be very important that I: 1) not hear any spoilers that first week, and 2) resist the temptation to read it before the Blogathon. I think the first one will be the hardest out of the two. Because you KNOW that everyone will be blogging about the book during that first week.

And obviously my charity for that event will be a literacy group, called Book Aid, in keeping with the reading theme. I’m excited and it’s still five months away!

I’m going to have to avoid my RSS feeds that week that the book comes out. THAT’S gonna be hard!!