Coming Up On 3,000

I just noticed that Cootiehog is approaching Post Number 3000. That’s a landmark, right? It has to be considering that when I started this blog in April 2002, Denis was positive that it wouldn’t last. Wow – I’ve been blogging for five years? That’s insane!!! I have to admit I’m shocked at that as well – I’m not known for my stick-to-it-iveness. I tend to start projects but rarely finish them, or keep them going.

How long have you been blogging, and do you see yourself doing it five years (if you haven’t reached that landmark yet?). If you HAVE been blogging for five years, why do you think you are still doing it after all this time?

02 comments on “Coming Up On 3,000

  • amy , Direct link to comment

    I’ve been blogging for five years also..or very close to that long. I was pregnant with Emma and she is 4 1/2 so, yeah. Blogging has become pretty important. There’s so many little things in life that you don’t want to forget and tend to if you don’t write them down. I don’t journal on paper much anymore so my blog is it! I was thinking of this the other day and what’s really ironic is I don’t ever go back and read my journals from a long time ago. I keep saying I write so I don’t forget but then I don’t ever go back and look at it. Oh well, at least I know it’s there if I want to.

  • Jen , Direct link to comment

    It’ll be five years for me this summer, too. Weird to think this blogging thing has stuck. Considering the time and money invested over the years, I suppose it truly is my main hobby.

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