The Good And The Bad

The poker game was fun last night. Denis and I were the only ones that had ever played, so we quickly taught the other four and started a 3-hr game. At the end of three hours, whatever chips you had left, that’s what you took home.

I ended up with $12.50. Wendy and her husband took home $25. Denis got a little over his $30 buyin. Skater took the rest – about $110. They seemed to really enjoy it, so we’ll definitely do another event sometime in June.

The food was a hit – a plethora of Asian delights. The Asian desserts? SUCKED THE BIG ONE. Man, those things were nasty. We all sampled a little bit of everything we laid out and no one gushed about anything. It wasn’t until I brought out the Girl Scout Cookies that people gushed about the desserts. But even that was minimal because the no-trans-fats GSC just don’t taste as good as with-trans-fat GSC. We still ate ’em though.

The kids were in perfect form last night, and CootieGirl at some point asked if we could have a dance party after the poker party. I told her yes, I would wake her up in time for the dance party. So when the poker game ended, everyone agreed to dance with CootieGirl before they left. I went upstairs and woke her up, and said, “Do you want to come dance with us?” She said no. But I asked her again. “Do you want to sleep or dance?” A couple beats later, she mumbled, “Sleep.”

This morning? “Where did everyone go? We have to have the dance party!”

“CootieGirl, I tried to wake you up last night – don’t you remember?”

“But the dance party is this MORNING!!!!”

In other news, CootieBoy threw up twice in our bed. He hopped in sometime in the night, but around 5 a.m. he started swallowing a lot. I didn’t really think anything about it, but about ten seconds after I thought, “I should probably move,” he coughed and threw up. Fortunately, he was facing Denis. We cleaned him up, stripped off the parts of the bedding he threw up on, and went back to sleep. Well tried to, anyway. CootieBoy becomes quite the chatterbox after he throws up.

Then this morning after we were all up and hanging out on the bed he turned to me and said, “My belly hurts.” Again, I didn’t think anything of it, figuring that he was referring to the late night escapade. But no. About ten minutes later he started throwing up again. Denis ran and got a towel and fortunately CootieBoy followed instructions and threw up on the towel (three times). Poor little guy.

So we’re all staying home from church in case it’s a bug as opposed to something he ate last night that didn’t agree with him.