It’s Already 5:15?

My this day has sped by. Which is surprising since I was up and at the gym by 7:30 a.m. this morning! I met my friend Wendy there for a workout so that she could see what the gym is like (she liked it, I believe, since she asked if she could join me for a workout tomorrow morning). I did an hour on the treadmill and then 30 minutes of weight training. I’ve had a problem with my right elbow for the past few months, and had avoided the upper body weights last week, but this morning I tried out three or four of the machines that didn’t force me to lift or turn my elbow, and found that it was okay. So tomorrow when I meet Wendy I’ll be adding upper body weights to my workout. The only bad thing about working out so early in the morning on a weekend is that there is next to nothing on tv. It was slim pickin’s and I ended up watching an episode of “Dharma & Greg” before discovering a show on the History Channel about the Summer of Love in the Haight Ashbury district. That filled up the other 30 minutes.

Came home and toodled around with the kids for a couple hours, also tested out a couple recipes for our poker night in a few weeks. We’re going with an Asian menu and so far only one dish that we’ve tested has been so-so. But we figured out a way to make it more flavorful, and it should be good. I’m very excited about the menu because it’s so different from anything we’ve done for any party before.

We then headed out to a local furniture place to look into getting a new bed for CootieBoy. He had another successful night in the guest room (although he did wake up at 3:30 a.m. and climb into our bed – but he didn’t cry, and wasn’t upset – he just wanted company. I intended to take him back to his bed but quickly fell back asleep instead). He went to bed last night with absolutely no protest whatsoever after Denis read him a story and turned out the light.

So we found a nice double bed for a good price and it should be delivered in the next week or so. We then headed to Target because we needed to pick up a few things for the house. CootieBoy was overtired and had a minor meltdown when he realized he wouldn’t have Ariel sheets.

Yes, you read that right.

Instead we opted to get him a set that could last well into his teen years if we’re able to keep it in decent shape. It’s a nice preppy kind of bedset that still says “boy” to me but isn’t something that’ll be considered out of fashion in a few years. The Finding Nemo sheets are nice for a toddler bed, but on a double bed? That’s a bit much. And instead of blue sheets, I got him the yellow sheets.

As for the underwater mural I had planned on doing in his room, that is now out of the picture, although I’ll still maintain the general Nemo theme in his room for the time being. Just not so over-the-top. So I’ll be painting over the bright sea blue wall with a more sedate blue to match his bedding and then put up the removable Nemo border. I’ll consider the current coat to be primer. *lol* The best part? The comforter for his new bed has denim in it, which means I can keep his current curtains and just hem the long one to match the shorter one. VERY excited about that.

And that’s our day so far. How has your Saturday been?