This morning was my free training session with one of the guys at my gym (it was postponed from Thursday night). It was a nice workout and he helped me plan out a program to help me get fit and lose weight. We didn’t do any upperbody stuff since my elbow has been having issues over the past two months. So I did 40 minutes on the treadmill followed by lower body, ab and back weights. All total he stayed with me for 90 minutes and it was a lot of fun. During my time there at least half a dozen came in asking for further information on joining, so I think the gym will do well in the long-run.
I’m *planning* on going back tomorrow morning to work out before church. Since I’m so used to waking up at 7:00 a.m. anyway, I’ll just get up and go to the gym and workout until 8:30 a.m. and come home in time to get ready for church.