Getting Two Days Pay

One of the perks of working for The Firm is that you get paid for any vacation days you don’t use. Since I started in August I got 7.5 vacation days to use for the year. I only used 5.5 days, so in my next paycheck I’ll get pay for two extra days. It’s a nice hidden incentive to “pay yourself back” in January. At my old job we were allowed to rollover days into the new year, up to five days total. And as much as I like taking days off, I think I’ll like getting a bit of extra cash in my paycheck instead.

For 2007 I have 19 days for both vacation, personal and sick time. I rarely call in sick (maybe 3-4 times a year?), which means I have three weeks of vacation available to me. I’ll be using some time for when Jen has her baby in a few weeks, and then in March I’ll use five days for our trip to Scotland. I may have Memorial Day weekend be a long one if we have people visit us from out of town. But other than taking the odd day here and there I may end up getting back at least 5-6 days next January since we’re spending all our 2007 winter holidays here in SC. Nice!