Which Header?

Which header do you guys like better? The one currently in the header? Or possibly these that I’ve created:

the one with the glasses

at the table

doing laundry

I can’t decide which one I like better. Both are pretty abstract as far as what they “mean” for the page. But then, “cootiehog” isn’t really something that inspires a particular kind of look for a blog, right? Well, okay, it does, but we don’t want to do it here. *lol*

09 comments on “Which Header?

  • Marmie , Direct link to comment

    I like everything but the header. Maybe look for something that has a family theme. The top one with the table and chairs makes me think of a coffee shop or restaurant. The glasses doesn’t really “say” anything so doesn’t make sense to me. My two cents.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Well, the site is about all kinds of things – not just family. It’s movies, books, tv, music, work, computers, other blogs, occasionally even politics and religion. I don’t consider Cootiehog to be strictly a family blog.

  • amy , Direct link to comment

    I think you should rotate between all of them…but the glasses and coffee shop are my favorites.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Amy, I got them at http://sxc.hu , which is stock photo site that allows users to download pictures for free, for links, or for a small fee. There is some amazing photography there.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Amy, the rotating header is a great idea, so I’ve done exactly that. Now I can create as many headers as I want that fit this color scheme – and have done just that by creating another 7-8! I took out the glasses from the group, as it looked weird once I implemented it in the header. I’m going to work on that one some more, though, and hope to use the glasses header at some point.

  • Cristan , Direct link to comment

    It looks great! I really love the rotating headers! How do you find the time?!?! I only have 1 child & work 10 hours a week as a graphic designer & wouldn’t be able to do all you, plus blog it, too! GRRRL PowR! hahaha!

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Cristan – well, I stay up until 2:28 a.m. like I did last night – that’s how I’m able to do it! *lol* No, seriously, I do it when the kids don’t need me for anything, or when Denis is busy doing something with them. I frequently step away from the computer for a few minutes here and then to solve a kid battle or check in to see if Denis needs me to do anything.

    It also helps that WordPress has such a simple way to implement new themes, and I already had the random code for the header – and the graphics were easy enough to create once I foun the pictures.

    So really, it’s no big deal. That’s what I’m trying to say. 🙂

  • Lila , Direct link to comment


    I like the header idea. Also love the rotating of them.

    They are all great.

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