
Today has been billing day for Mr. BIL and I – thus no posting. However, I still have some thoughts to share.

1) Our 4.5 foot Christmas tree arrived today. It’s going immediately into the closet and will be unveiled next year. I know the kids are gonna LOVE IT.

2) Two of our DVD wallets arrived today so this weekend will be a sorting weekend as I transfer 75% of our movies into the wallets. Very excited as it will open up space AND keep the kids’ grubby hands off our DVDS (I caught CootieBoy sucking on “Office Space” the other night). Yes, I said he was sucking on it. Apparently he thinks they taste good.

3) It is raining beyond comprehension today. I went out at lunchtime and on my way back I came across a puddle so large that it basically filled the entire four-way intersection. I had to be in the far left lane in order to turn right because the water on the right side of the road was so deep (an SUV that went through had water about 3/4 up his tires when he drove through it).

4) I found out yesterday that the deed for our land that we bought in January of last year was never recorded in the county. Apparently our lawyer in the case submitted an improper deed and when notified of the error LAST FEBRUARY he simply didn’t respond at all. We have until January 15 to rectify the matter or possibly pay penalties for the delay. Needless to say I’m a bit ticked off with that particular lawyer.

5) Denis and I schedule a poker night in February. We need poker!!!

6) “The Office” rocked muchly last night. The best line of the night was when Dwight comforted a crying Pam and said, “So you’re PMSing pretty bad right now, huh?” I was so NOT expecting that punch line that I sat in shock for a split second before laughing out loud (the same silent shock that I experienced in the ‘Slapbet’ episode of “How I Met Your Mother” a couple months ago with one of Marshall’s punchlines).

7) Last night Denis and I ate dinner at 10 p.m. Chik-Fil-A. Yummy. He didn’t think I’d actually get off the couch and go get it, but I did. And it was so totally worth it.

8) We found out recently that an old church friend of mine from high school lives with her family in Matthews, NC which is only 30 minutes away from us. They are only here through July, at which point they move to Knoxville, TN. But we’re hoping to get together with them soon. I know Denis would REALLY like Greg, who has a great sense of humor, and I’d love to see Jamie, whom I haven’t seen since their wedding at least 10-12 years ago (if not longer – she was married at least a couple years before I met Denis). They have FIVE kids, which is insane.

06 comments on “Billing!

  • Bev , Direct link to comment

    Will you post a link to the DVD wallets? I SO need to clear out some clutter!

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Link added! And now that we’ve filled up both of them (one has all our kids’ stuff and the other has A-E), I have to say I’m not as impressed with them as I hoped. The three-ring binder part that keeps all the sheets in is VERY loose and I found last night that the sheets came out VERY easily. A bit disconcerting, and I’ll see if I can possibly do something to keep them permanently shut.

  • Bev , Direct link to comment

    Oh rats. Too bad that they aren’t working as well as you’d hoped. Thanks for the link, though, they do look like a great idea!

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Bev – I’ll update to let you know that the 120-DVD wallet is MUCH better. That one arrived today and the 3-ring part of the binder stays shut much better. So go for that one over the 96-dvd wallet.

  • Bev , Direct link to comment

    Okay, thanks! I’ll check the bigger one out.
    Your website’s new look is awesome–very fresh!

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