Happy New Year!

Well, how was your New Year’s Eve? Did you do anything exciting? Please feel free to share any stories, since our New Year’s Eve was very quiet. Well, quiet except for the kid across the street laying into his drums at 10:30 p.m. with his garage door wide open for all to hear.

The kids managed to sleep through that, and also through the fireworks that went off for fifteen minutes in the cul de sac behind our house (the fireworks were SO close I thought that had the weather been dry, an ash would land on our shed and torch it).

Denis and I watched Ryan Seacrest and Dick Clark, with an occasional check in at MTV. I remember ten years ago that the MTV show was the one I watched almost all of. But each year I get older, the programming there gets progressively more awful for the night. And so we stuck with uber-host Ryan, who hoped to get a kiss from Christina Aguilera at midnight (and succeeded although it was super-uncomfortable to watch since she so obviously didn’t want to be standing next to him).

Since CootieBoy and I had taken a nap that afternoon (3 hours!), I was still wideawake. As Denis went to bed I stayed up and watched “The Quick and the Dead” the Sharon Stone/Leo DiCaprio/Russell Crowe/Gene Hackman western. I love that movie.

Exciting, I know.

In any event, I make no resolutions because I know I’ll fail at all of them. Suffice to say that this year I hope to be a better wife, a better mother, a better daughter, a better sister, a better friend, a better neighbor, a better co-worker – in that order.

One comment on “Happy New Year!

  • Talmida , Direct link to comment

    You’re more exciting than we are, Jaynee! My Beloved went to bed at 10, the 2 older girls at 10:30, and me at 11. I think Miss B managed to greet the new year at midnight, but since she’s not up yet, I can’t be sure!


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