If It Were MY Company

This morning I had the thought that if I owned a company, I would close the company down for the week when Christmas fell on a Wednesday. Isn’t that a nice idea? This way the employees would know that at least every once in a while they’d get a “free” week of vacation in addition to the 3-4 weeks that they’d already get.

Anyway, the point of the post is really to say that my company specifically sent out an email today stating that we are NOT closing early. Isn’t that strange? I thought that was weird that they would send out an email saying, “Nope, you’re stuck here all day and if you leave early it’s considered vacation time or unpaid time.” Needless to say I’m not leaving early – in fact, I’m sitting here with four tasks that need to get finished before 6 p.m., and Mr. BIL is in a meeting until at least 4:30 p.m. if not closer to 5 p.m. since the meeting started late.

But that’s okay – traffic was amazingly light this morning (20 minutes door to desk), so I’m sure it’ll be even better tonight since every other company in Charlotte is closing early today.

Update at 4:54 p.m.: I’m home! Mr. BIL came out from his meeting at 4:10 p.m., gave me one email to send out and then sent me home for the day. He said the rest could wait and to enjoy my weekend. YIPPEE!!!

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