Long Drive

We made it to Virginia – it was a looooonnnngggg drive. It usually has taken us six hours, but this time it took just over seven. Hampering our time was the chocolate milk incident that CootieBoy had when we stopped for dinner. A quick bite to eat turned into a 45 minute quick change in which we didn’t change that fast and CootieBoy ended up in an old pair of floral pants that CootieGirl wore two summers ago.

Women’s clothing just seems to GRAVITATE to him.

In other news, in all the cleanup of said child, Denis forgot to put a diaper on him at the restaurant, which means CootieBoy sat going commando in his car seat for a good 3 hours – and that included a 45 minute nap. But he stayed dry, which is amazing to me. We didn’t even know he had no diaper until I took him to the potty at my parents house after he started walking in a weird way. I dropped his trou and lo and behold! Naked kid! I quickly got him on the potty, he quickly did his business (YAY COOTIEBOY!) and we got him diapered up. I was SUPER IMPRESSED that he stayed dry that long AND during a nap.

The kids are only just now going to sleep (yes, at half past midnight). And so am I.

One comment on “Long Drive

  • Jean , Direct link to comment

    Glad you made it safely. Hope to see you later today, Cooties!

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