Busy Busy Bee!

I’ve been running around like crazy getting stuff done before I leave today. I want my desk as CLEAN AS POSSIBLE before I go so that I don’t come back to craziness next week.

Out of my list of nine things, I’ve gotten four done. Not that good when I only have 90 minutes left before I leave. However, at least ONE of those can wait til next week, and the other one only takes 5 minutes to do. So really, I’m doing well.

If you recall, a couple weeks ago I mentioned the pro bono case that Mr. BIL is working on that involves an elderly woman who may lose her house to foreclosure. Mr. BIL has basically handed that entire thing to me, and I’ve been dealing with credit counselors, loan collectors, and foreclosure court dates. Through it all the client has been very upbeat and I really hope that we can have this thing end in a GOOD way (read: she keeps her house). The woman lives on next to no money and gets next to no help from her sons or grandchildren. It’s a shame really, and I wish I could do MORE to help her – it’s especially poignant at this time of year when GIVING is the focus in our lives.

Okay, let me get back to my list of tasks so that I can get out of here on time. Since I may not be posting again for a few days, HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!