Ho Hum

More minutiae, I’m sure.

CootieBoy’s cough was bad again last night – kept him up quite a while until he finally passed out. Then he woke up at 5:20 a.m. with more coughing AND a minor temper tantrum. Lovely. He eventually passed out again though, and all was well.

Getting CootieGirl dressed for daycare this morning I pulled out a dress that I didn’t recognize. I presumed Denis bought it for her. When he came in the room I asked, “When did you buy this?” “I didn’t buy that,” he said. “Well where did she get it then?” “Maybe from school?” I let her keep it on, but I had Denis take an extra set of clothes in case CootieGirl is accosted by a fellow student demanding her dress back. It’s a cute dress – shame it’s not hers.

Tonight is a special dinner hosted by the daycare. Should be fun, although I’ll be missing the hour-long episode of “The Office” (of course it’s being Tivo’d).

Did you see the finale of “The Biggest Loser” last night? What an AMAZING transformation for Eric. He looked amazing and it was laughable to continue on with the show when it was so glaringly obvious who was going to win. I guess the main “question mark” at that point was just how many pounds he actually lost. Needless to say, he is inspirational. And yes, part of me flirts with the idea of auditioning for the show.

Mr. BIL is out of the office this morning at some meeting. So I have a nice leisurely morning until he gets in. I plan on getting all the billing done in that time (I hope).

I’ve added a new plugin to the site. It’s the Netflix at Home preview in the left toolbar above my book stuff. I had hoped to show my at home movie as well as the next three in the queue, but sadly the plugin doesn’t have that option. It’s an either-or type thing. So I opted to show the at home movie. However, it doesn’t show both movies, since the other movie comes from Denis’ queue, which also has a different code. So it only shows the movie from MY list. Maybe they’ll come out with future generations of the plugin that allow for multiple feeds from one Netflix account.

Did I mention that I’m finally through all the As, Bs and Cs in the uploading-CDs-to-my-MP3-player task? Sadly, I only have one CD of The Cure – all the rest of my Cure stuff (the best stuff, I would say) is on cassette tape, so The Cure is incredibly under-represented on my MP3 player at this point. Hopefully we can do something to rectify that sometime in the future. For now I’m up to 2,600 tracks even, although five of those are the Ricky Gervais podcasts and another eight are clips from the Don and Mike radio show.

One comment on “Ho Hum

  • Bev , Direct link to comment

    We saw the Biggest Loser, it was a good finale. Eric looked like a different person. Absolutely amazing! Kai looked great, as did several of the contestants. It inspired me too, back to work on my weight! I lost 40 pounds earlier this year with quite a bit left to go.

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