What A Day

Okay, I need another hour or two in my workday that does NOT have Mr. BIL giving me more work. I have nine client folders on my desk, plus two pro bono estates. It’s a good thing Skater is out today and tomorrow or else I’d be in a heap of trouble.

We have two floaters at the Firm who chip in when the legal secretaries get busy. I have yet to use one, and will try to go as long as I can before using them. So far I’ve only used them on the days I’ve actually been out of the office, similar to having a temp. But I refuse to admit defeat about my daily workload! At least, not for another hour or two.

Update at 1:54 p.m.: I managed to avoid calling in a floater to help, and just cleared my desk of the last of the folders. Mr. BIL leaves in 30 minutes for an off-site meeting, at which point, unless he gives me back some of my work, I will be heading out to get some much-needed lunch. Then when I come back I’ll tackle all the firm library stuff I’ve been avoiding for the past two weeks.

Update at 5:46 p.m.: Wow! I did GREAT today in the end. Not only did I finish all the work Mr. BIL gave me, but I was able to do extensive filing AND clean my desk. It is practically SPOTLESS. The only things on it at this point are things that I can’t file because one of the paralegals has the file cabinet in her cubicle all locked up. But come tomorrow morning that stuff will be filed and VOILA – CLEAN DESK!!! What a great feeling. When Mr. BIL came back from his outside meeting he got wide-eyed when he saw my desk and said, “Well, I’ll have to do something about that – that just won’t do!” Fortunately he has only given me a couple small things that I was able to easily do and get back to him to keep my desk nice and neat.

I do wonder what it’ll look like come tomorrow morning though.