One of “Those” Moods Again.

I get them all the time – I don’t know what brings them on, but every few months I get into one of those “I hate working, I just want to be home” moods.


And it’s not that I hate my job, but I love my job – I’ve said often how much I love my bosses, my co-workers, the lack of office politics, the ease of my commute, blah blah blah.

But today is one of those days where I wish I could be home, alternating between taking naps on the sofa and surfing the net. Alternating between reading a chapter in the book I’ve started or doing some easy yardwork. Alternating between a load of laundry and making a nice lunch (you read that right – I love doing laundry with my new washer/dryer). Alternating between going shopping or unpacking a couple more boxes. Alternating between loading more music on my MP3 player or catching a movie. Alternating between doing NOTHING or doing something FUN.

Instead I sit at my desk, making the umpteenth revision to the umpteenth document that Skater has sent me today. I sit at my desk seeing the nice bright (albeit chilly) weather outside, knowing I won’t be able to enjoy any of it because when I leave for home tonight it’ll be dark already.

03 comments on “One of “Those” Moods Again.

  • Cristan , Direct link to comment

    Sounds like you need a good old-fashioned mental health day – everyone needs them. Take a day to yourself & just veg. out – don’t do anything productive & you’ll come back at 110%.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    I wish! Sadly, it is year-end around here which means I’m absolutely swamped with work each and every minute of the day from now until December 31. Mr. BIL even just came over to me and said, “By now you should have discovered that we’re a bit busy closing out the year.”

    Uh, yeah, I got that.

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