Marmie And Pop On The Way

The countdown ended today, as today is the day that Marmie and Pop arrive in town for Thanksgiving. This morning as I was washing my face, CootieGirl came in to say good morning. “Guess what today is and who’s coming?” I asked as she left the bathroom. I heard nothing for a couple seconds, when suddenly her head popped back in the doorway. “Marmie and Pop!” she said with a grin, quickly ducking out again.

I called them a while ago and found them to be in Lynchburg, and due into Charlotte by the time rush hour gets going. I told them that once they hit Exit 10 on I-77 they have about 30 minutes to go, if rush hour traffic is normal. But since it’s pre-holiday, traffic should actually be pretty light and they may make it in a bit less than 30 minutes. I know this morning coming in to work that I left the house late and STILL made it to my desk before 9 a.m.