One Of Those Days

Today I have been on the go all day – I was so busy I even thought twice about taking lunch, but the migraine headache I had most of the morning and early afternoon convinced me to step away for an hour. And despite Skater saying that I could wait and do the revisions to five of his documents tomorrow, Mr. BIL is keeping me late to finalize a package that he wants to go out tonight and a fax that he wants to send out first thing in the morning. I don’t mind staying late as I could use the OT pay, but I’m tired due to no sleep last night.

And despite working my butt off all day, I still have three Mr. BIL tapes left from this morning that never got done and the aforementioned five revision docs for Skater. And I have another three tasks from yesterday that I didn’t even get to start on. I hate being swamped from the time I arrive to work.