Why I Love Working For My Boss

*Mr. BIL hands me edits to a letter and chart at 3:03 p.m.*

“I want to get this out this afternoon.”

“Okay, but when do you want these edits back?”

“Oh, take your time. How’s 3:05?”

04 comments on “Why I Love Working For My Boss

  • Stacy , Direct link to comment

    The last time I asked my boss when she needed a project completed, she said, “Yesterday.” Love that.

  • Jim in NJ , Direct link to comment

    Real quotes from my boss… probably worst manger I have ever known. These are not direct quotes but paraphrased from my poor memory.

    “Your smiling; you must not be thinking about work.” (Not directed at me, but another co-worker).

    “You are letting your obligation to your family interfere with your obligation to the Govt [job]”
    (Would not let me take a personal day to take my wife to the airport)

    “You are letting your obligation to your wife interfere with your obligation to the Govt [job]”
    (Directed at co-worker whose wife was in the hospital at the time)

    “No whistling; your not concentrating on work.” (Directed at co-worker who like to whistle at her desk)

    “I can tell by the way XXX’s is sitting that he was not working.” Directed at a member of my team who has bad posture while sitting; he “saw” this from 30+ feet away even though he could not see XXX’s monitor while I could and I KNEW that XXX was working.

    One of these days, my co-workers and I will compile all of his more outragous remarks.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    I am fortunate that I have a GREAT boss in Mr. BIL and his comment was purely a joke.

    Stacy – he’s a fun writer – it’s all fluff, but good fluff. 🙂

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