A Successful Halloween

Last night’s Halloween adventure was a great night. CootieGirl and CootieBoy were both finally old enough to really know what was going on, and it was a treat to finally live in a neighborhood where everyone (and I mean EVERYone) really gets into it. Denis thinks we had about 80-100 kids come to our house, and I easily saw a few THOUSAND people roaming the streets in our subdivision. I am so not kidding. THOUSANDS.

It was great – people set up chairs and tables in their driveway and just handed out candy as kids walked by. Only a handful of houses were dark, and 75% had decorations of some sort in their yards welcoming children. We only did two blocks other than ours. From 6:45 – 7:30 p.m. I had both CootieBoy and CootieGirl and we did the block to the left of our house. Then I dropped off CootieBoy at home because he was tired (about three houses from home he just sat in the person’s driveway and refused to move. I carried him the last three houses and let him stay with Denis. Then CootieGirl and I went back out and we did the block to the right of us. We got home around 8:15 p.m., the same time that the door traffic came to an end.

CootieGirl was a very polite princess, quietly saying “tricks or treating” at each house (at first she wanted me to accompany her to every door, but by the end she was saying “You stay here, Mommy – I want to do it myself!”), and upon receiving candy she’d say thank you. She was constantly greeting other trick-or-treaters as they walked by, “Hi, guys!” she’d say, waving to them. One house in particular had about six people hanging out passing out candy. When we walked by on our way home (we had already visited), CootieGirl called out, “I love you!”, to which they all laughed and told her they loved her too. Very funny.

CootieBoy, on the other hand, enjoyed getting the candy and by House #4 he was a pro at holding up his bag for MORE CANDY! Some of the costumes scared him a bit, but he had fun following CootieGirl around, occasionally singing the “Bob the Builder” theme song despite being dressed as a cow (and a very cute cow at that).

They both protested going to bed last night, but quickly passed out when the sugar highs crashed with a deafening thud around 8:30 p.m. And the planning begins anew for next year’s costumes.

03 comments on “A Successful Halloween

  • Marmie , Direct link to comment

    Reminds me of our dog, Harry, who, when we took him for a walk and he got tired, would just stop and refuse to move any further. One of us would have to pick him up to carry him the rest of the way home. Too funny that D does the same thing. And such a cute cow he was, indeed! Love the pics. More, please.

  • Cristan , Direct link to comment

    You’re going to have to teach CootieGirl to say “Hey y’all” now that you live in the South!

  • Uncle Bill , Direct link to comment

    Ask CootieBoy if he was a Holstein or a Guernsey.

    Answer: Holstein

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