
Is it bad that I haven’t unpacked a single moving box in two days?

Our washer and dryer were NOT delivered yesterday as planned. They didn’t get the notice that the time was updated to a 6 – 9 p.m. window, so they showed up at 12:45 p.m. They left a note. Denis called back and arranged for delivery TONIGHT. Here’s hoping!

In other news, our TV is being delivered on Friday. Denis is very happy about that. Our entertainment center is being delivered next week, although I’m really trying to get them to agree to Friday so that it can all be set up at the same time. And I keep meaning to call the living room people to arrange for delivery, but keep forgetting. If I knew how to check the voicemails at home on the new phone I’d get the number, but I don’t know how that’s set up.

I did at least get about a dozen boxes of books unpacked a few days ago. And I got most of the dining room done. We didn’t hang the potrack last night. Tonight I want us to put a bunch of boxes in the attic storage area so that we can clear out some clutter. Then we can worry about the potrack.