I Hate Being Interrupted

Today our receptionist is getting on my last nerve. One of my biggest pet peeves is not being able to respond to a comment, or ask a question. My other pet peeve is being interrupted. I’ve experienced both of those in the past five minutes.

When I schedule meetings, I always check the conference room availability and select the one that Mr. BIL will use so that it is booked. However, apparently our receptionist will go in and change rooms around as she sees fit, without bothering to let me know so I can update Mr. BIL’s calendar or tell her that the change is unacceptable.

Today Mr. BIL has important clients showing up for a noon lunch before a hearing this afternoon. I booked our largest conference room for that, from 12:00 – 2:30 p.m. But apparently our receptionist opted to book a meeting starting at 2:00 p.m. and intended to move Mr. BIL’s meeting to another conference room.

She called me in a tizzy a few moments ago about another Mr. BIL meeting that she put into a room other than the one I SPECIFICALLY BOOKED. When I tried to ask her why she was not honoring ANY of my room choices, she cut me off before I could even get to the third word and tried to let me know how difficult her job was to coordinate those rooms. Once again I tried to ask her my question and she cut me off AGAIN, saying she didn’t want to have “clients have their meetings in the parking lot.” When for the third time I tried to say something she cut me off for the last time and said, “I’m sorry, but I’m really busy down here and need to get some things done.”

At that point I was super-pissed and hung up on her.

It has been a few minutes now and she’s calling me back. But I refuse to pick up the phone this time around.