Let The Frenzy Begin!

We got confirmation today from our mortgage bank that our stuff was all in order and that our credit wouldn’t be checked that “one last time” that so many homebuyers have on the day of closing. Just in case we bought a washer/dryer from Sears online today – but we put it on Denis’ card since he’s not part of the mortgage financing. I read a lot of reviews about the model I was interested in, and based on those positive reviews I bought the set, which is on sale at Sears right now because a new (less highly rated) model has come out. So I got the better w/d set for less money, which I’m pleased about.

Then tonight I went ahead and bought the toile duvet cover, pillow shams and valances for the guest bedroom that the home sellers had. The owner kindly told me the website where she bought them and I warned her that I was copying the room. She took it as a compliment, thankfully. So that’s on order, as are a nice set of crisp white sheets.

I talked with my friend MK today since I’m meeting him tomorrow to do some furniture shopping. He mentioned one particular store in Hickory that he wanted to take me to, but the shopowner only opens on weekdays. He mentioned a king-size bedset that he likes for himself, that could sell for $5000 at a regular store but this particular shopowner is selling for $1500. I went to the website of the bed brand and fell in love immediately with one particular set I saw there. So I immediately left MK a voicemail asking him if THAT was the bedset. If it is, then I’ll buy it sight unseen. Because the pictures online were amazing enough on their own. And I love MK’s decorating taste (his house is gorgeous) as well as his faith in good furniture. So we’ll see what he says – he’d be very jealous if I bought “his” bedset, I’m sure. If we do buy it, then we’ll move our current master bedroom set into the guest bedroom, where it’ll look lovely with the toile bedding and decor that is going in there.

We also talked about three chair styles that I saw at his company’s website, and with his guidance I know which of the three I’ll probably go with. From there he’ll help me select the sleeper sofa to go with it. And then all that’ll be left is picking out a breakfast area table and chairs for daily use. But I may wait until the big furniture sale in November to buy it. If that’s the case I’ll just put my current dining table/chairs in the breakfast area and use that until I buy a more casual set for the breakfast area off the kitchen.

In other news, the paint-by-numbers murals arrived today in the mail. Denis was talking to our apartment office person who recommended we contact Winthrop Univ.’s art department and see if we can hire a student to come in and paint the murals so that they look really nice. I thought that was a great idea and I’m sure a poor college student would love to make some extra cash (I’d pay $100 for the two rooms to be done) for a couple night’s work. Sunday I’ll go to Home Depot and pick up the paints for the murals so that I’ll have everything in place once we lock in a student to do the painting.

And that’s it so far. YAY to closing on the house on Monday!!!!!!!!

04 comments on “Let The Frenzy Begin!

  • Marmie , Direct link to comment

    Everything sounds great! Yay for the idea of hiring a college student to do the painting. Great idea! Can’t wait to see the house!

  • denis , Direct link to comment

    Glad I didn’t come up with that idea. We wouldn’t be hiring a college student to do it if I did. I know how it works around here.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    No, that’s one that if you had come up with it on your own I would have jumped on to. I acknowledge that it’ll definitely be easier for an art student to do that mural than it would for me and you!

  • jen , Direct link to comment

    That’s a great idea. Sounds like everything is coming together. Can’t wait to see it later this month!

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