
I tell ya, Mr. BIL must work until after 9 p.m. based on the workload that gets dumped on my desk after I leave at 6 p.m. If my phone worked I’d take a picture and post to the moblog so you could see the STACKS that appear on my desk each morning when I arrive for the day. Last night when I left work my desk was relatively clear – I only had three minor tasks left that he said could wait until today. But this morning when I arrived my desk was covered in folders again. I had “only” five tapes waiting for me upon arrival.

But he also had a few fire drills that needed to get done ASAP because he leaves at noon for a firmwide meeting offsite that goes the rest of the day. So for the past two hours I’ve been running around like a chicken with her head cut off trying to get this letter done, that client folder started, this fax sent, this bill printed out. And I still have three tapes left to do!!

I love my job – I really do – but this trend of finding multiple tapes on my desk each morning is getting tiresome, if only because it seems a really daunting way to start the day. Before you can even say “good morning” you feel like you are overwhelmed and behind in your work!

The only consolation – tomorrow is payday AND I’ll get paid 4 hours of OT due to all the extra work I’ve been putting in the past two weeks.

02 comments on “Working

  • Denis , Direct link to comment

    Quite honestly, I gave you three months until you started “hating” your job. Oh, well, the bookies won on this one. Anybody have one month?

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    I don’t hate my job – I LOVE my job. I even said that in my post. It’s a great job and I’m really fortunate to have it. But everyone has to agree that to show up first thing in the morning and find that your day is beginning in “catch up” mode can be daunting and exhausting. That’s all I was trying to say. That doesn’t mean I hate my job.

    Thankfully, this morning when I arrived I had NO new tasks on my desk.

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