My Little Boy Is Not So Little Anymore

The picture above is from 10 years ago, when my son turned just four years old. I remember it like it was yesterday (he requested an Indiana Jones lego cake and I somehow managed to pull it togther)! How is it that he turns 14 today? Make it not be true!

He has always kept me on my toes, and never fails to make me laugh. He is ornery and stubborn, just like his father. But he can also be cute and charming, just like his father. I love him to bits and appreciate who he is becoming as he dives headfirst into his teen years.

This is my son, over the course of the last 12 months:

With CootieGirl, her journey into puberty seemed to take a couple of years. For CootieBoy, who turns 14 today, it seems the journey only took a few months.

At the beginning of the summer, my son still had a high pitched voice.
As the end of summer approaches, he now sounds like a man when he talks.

At the beginning of summer, my son was still shorter than me by a good 7-8″.
As the end of summer approaches, he is now almost as tall as me. Almost.

At the beginning of the summer, my son was a fresh-faced boy with a bit of baby fat still hanging around.
As the end of summer approaches, he shows typical signs of puberty (hair and spots) and his face is thinning out.

At the beginning of summer, my son was obsessed with videogames.
As the end of summer approaches, he is obsessed with videoga—

Okay, so not everything is changing.