Heading Back to SC

The wedding went off without any major hitches yesterday and so today we return to SC while Glad-ball and her hubbie head to Costa Rica for a 10-day honeymoon. It was a very casual wedding, unlike any wedding I’ve been to in my entire life (I don’t mean that in a bad way). The control freak in me was, well, freaking out. And in the end I kind of took on a “wedding administrator” role to try and make sure that things at the reception ran smoothly. I actually had a lot of fun doing that, and could see myself doing that on a regular basis. I know all of the guests had a wonderful time and Glad-ball and her hubbie looked very happy.

Denis had a good time, despite not knowing 99% of the people in attendance. We got to see our buddy Mirko, who is doing very well, as well as Glad-ball and Mirko’s old roommate Dave. We had a blast talking to him and his wife and have all but begged them to come visit us in SC to hang out.

Denis also enjoyed the tequila that was on the bridal table. Apparently it was top-drawer tequilla and he happily downed shots with people. In the end I think he had 4-5 shots total, as well as champagne, beer, and sangria. So he was a very happy puppy by the end of the wedding and at that point was talking to ANYone nearby. It was hilarious and I’m glad he had such a good time considering the fact that our track records at weddings over the past 9+ years are NOT good.

After the reception we drove back to Marmie & Pop’s house and spent some hangtime with Jen and Beau. She’s five months preggers and you’d never know it (she gloated that she has only gained 4 pounds so far with the pregnancy). They got a kick out of Denis and the fact that he was convinced that Covina Colana was a good name in case they have a girl.

Mom and I talked about how much fun I had taking charge at the reception, and she said, “Well Jen enjoyed the creative side of planning her wedding.” We came up with the brilliant idea of having the family start a wedding business. Jen plans the wedding with the bride and groom, I administrate and take care of everything on the actual wedding day, Denis acts as wedding photographer, Marmie provides wedding favors with her tea business, and Dad/Kevin provide limo services. Talk about a great family business! It’s definitely something to think about if the whole family does end up relocated to the SC area.

Anyway, in the end Denis went to bed early, I slept in another room with CootieGirl because his snoring was unbelievable, and he woke up without a hangover thanks to two Tylenol just before shuteye. And now we load up the car and head home. I promised CootieGirl that if we get home at a decent hour and the weather is good that we’ll hang out in the pool for a while.

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