One Month and One Day

So as of today we’ve been here in South Carolina one month and one day. Boy, how our lives have changed in that short amount of time! And ALL for the better.

If you had told me back in May when we put the house on the market that we would not only move to SC by the end of the summer but that I would find a job I love with a short commute, a house we will love (once we move in), an active daycare for the kids (that they will grow to love in time), and a potential new church home – I would have laughed and said, “I sure hope so!”

And here we are a short 31 days after moving away from the stress of NoNJ and it has all been so wonderfully easy. Denis takes his real estate exam on Thursday and that’s the final piece of the Cooties-in-SC puzzle dropping into place.

I can admit it now that I was a bit nervous about moving down here. Because once you leave NoNJ there’s no going back. Even with the profit we made on the house there’s no way we will ever be able to afford to go back to the NYC metropolitan area and have even CLOSE to what we had before. So leaving NoNJ was a bold stroke toward our future into waters entirely more deep than could be anticipated. But the wonderful thing has been that it turned out that the water wasn’t that deep after all, and it has been made so obvious to me that moving to SC was the best thing for our family. Sure, the move itself sucked, but once everything was done in that regard it has been great.

Do you hear that?
That sound?

That’s the sound of contentment.