Busy Day!

Whew! I have been very busy today at work. Pretty much on the go since I arrived this morning, although I was able to take 45 minutes for lunch to drive around this area of Charlotte and see what kind of stuff is available. Turns out there are a lot of restaurants over on South Blvd. near here so I may start exploring more in the next few weeks and see if I can find little places to get lunch from time to time.

My hands are getting cramped because I’ve done a LOT of typing today. My main boss – we’ll call him Mr. Bill since he reminds me a lot of my sister’s husband (get it? BIL?) – anyway, Mr. Bill has been on a frenzy doing letter after letter to various clients. But I admit that it’s fun because he specializes in estate planning so it’s all about wills and trusts and who’s leaving what to whom.

Skater left at noon today for a long weekend away with his wife. He had me working on some extensive edits this morning though, before he left.

Tomorrow looks to be a quiet day because Skater will be out and Mr. Bill will be out all afternoon at a funeral.

In other Firm news, a request for overtime sheets came over email and I responded back that I did have some minor overtime but didn’t want to submit it since I was out. I was told to go ahead and submit even though I was out so that the Firm would remain in compliance. So despite NOT getting paid for my 1 1/2 sick day this week, I WILL get paid an hour of overtime for work from last week. Makes no sense to me, but that’s what they prefer to do. Apparently they only do comp time if it’s in the same day (meaning I come in late so I stay late).

02 comments on “Busy Day!

  • jen , Direct link to comment

    It makes sense in that they keep cleaner records for billing their clients. If they start fudging here and there, their clients might not trust their billing to be honest.

  • Gwynne , Direct link to comment

    What Jen said, and the other way is technically against the law although many companies fudge on this. 😉

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