
Nothing says enjoy your weekend like a stomach virus with some puking thrown in. The stomach bug hit both of us this weekend, but in different ways. Denis had the puking, I had the…other. NOT fun.

We managed to still have a good weekend, despite the virus. We drove around for a couple hours on Saturday and looked for houses with For Sale signs on the lawn. Saw quite a few that looked interesting including two For Sale By Owners that we went back to see on Sunday afternoon. Of those two, one had a GREAT backyard but the house was so-so. The other had a so-so backyard but the house was fantastic. Tonight we’ll be going to see 4-5 houses with our realtor, including (hopefully) one that we REALLY liked the look of it. The house itself was nondescript on the outside but the surroundings were amazing and worth the price of admission. Seriously – the landscaping and privacy were outstanding and both Denis and I were quite taken with it and can’t wait to go inside the house.

We also went visited another church yesterday and this one was the polar opposite of last week’s. Last week the church had maybe 40 people attending, this one had over 400. The band was great (piano, keyboard, drums, percussion, three guitarists and a bassist along with lead singer and five background singers). A woman sang a special music song and in the program I saw her name and thought, “Hmmm…I wonder if she’s any relation to the Daniel P. I knew in college.” Well, she finished her song and went down to sit with her husband. He turned his head and…it was Daniel P!! I couldn’t believe it! When the super-long service was over (the preaching was almost an hour) I went up to him and it took him a second to realize it was me but we hugged and made introductions to our spouses.

But this stomach virus is horrible. I think I had sympathy for Denis because on the way to work I almost had to pull over and throw up on the side of the road. I managed to keep that at bay, though. But going to the bathroom eight times in 90 minutes is no picnic, my friends.

02 comments on “Weekend…

  • Marmie , Direct link to comment

    So sorry for both of you suffering from the stomach bug. Love the two pics of CootieGirl to the right. Tell her I LOVE her Princess bedding!

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