Moving Along

Well, today I confirmed the truck’s arrival, and about an hour later the driver himself called to let me know that he’s going to be in town tomorrow if we’d like to start moving our stuff onto the truck tomorrow. Never one to turn down an offer, Denis told me that I could stay in NJ with the truck and he’d go to Queens to see his Mom and brother. So that’s what we’re doing.

This is great because the driver said that he’s confident we can get the truck loaded in about 2 hours at the storage unit which means that come Sunday morning ALL we have to do is the stuff at the house! THAT would be amazing!!! It would also mean that the whole Cootie clan can be on the road at the same time instead of Denis leaving with the kids and animals and me following behind. It also means there’s a slight chance we’ll be on the road BEFORE noon instead of later in the afternoon.

He’s confirmed that he’ll be in South Carolina on the 19th at about 8 a.m. to begin unloading stuff. So I’ll call the movers in SC to confirm an 8 a.m. start time.

As for packing, we haven’t gotten too much done. I just finished the last pieces of artwork that we’re able to box up. Denis has finished the kitchen. Now it’s on to the kids’ room and our room to try and get that done. Denis is up here in the attic finishing off the last of this stuff.

Update at 4:50 p.m.: Packing has gone well today. Kitchen, play room, dining room and room over garage are totally done. Most of the kids’ room is done, and most of the living room is done. Really the only room in complete disarray is the master bedroom.

Right now we’re supposed to have people over to help empty out our freezer, but no one has come over yet. I don’t know WHAT we’ll do with all this food if no one comes to take it. We HAVE to begin defrosting the freezer and fridge tonight.

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