The Brilliant Idea

Someone asked me today at work if I’d be willing to leave my Dwight Schrute bobblehead doll behind. The answer was “Of course not!” And then one of the guys here who is a huge fan of the show said I should make a photo road trip album featuring Dwight. Similar to the Travelocity gnomes. So that’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to take pictures of Dwight helping us pack, helping us load the truck, helping us drive to my parents house, stopping at rest stops along the way.

I don’t think I’ll take Dwight to my grandfather’s funeral. Marmie might not approve of that.

Then helping us drive to SC. Then getting the keys to our apartment. And unloading the truck. And unpacking boxes. And taking a long hard nap. Then exploring our new hometown.

I think it’s going to be absolutely hilarious, and I can’t wait to create the resulting slideshow.

15 comments on “The Brilliant Idea

  • Gwynne , Direct link to comment

    Well, go away for a few days (weeks?) and look what all I’ve missed!

    Congrats on selling your house so quickly…that’s a big relief, I’m sure. Best wishes in your new digs. How exciting to start all over. I will pray that Dennis’ business takes off like wildfire and that you’re able to find a new job that you love even more than The Company. Awesome! $8,000 for property taxes???? Yowsa…that’s downright usorious!! Get out quick!

  • Gwynne , Direct link to comment

    Oh, and what I started to say…I’m looking forward to Dwight’s Big Adventure. πŸ˜‰

  • Denis , Direct link to comment

    $8,200 and going up. This is before the reassessment which is less than a year away. Throw in a few other variables, and taxes could easily be close to 10 grand when all is said and done. I think we’re doing well by moving south.

  • jen , Direct link to comment

    My first thought when I read the idea of the Dwight Road Trip was that you should bring it to the funeral! Stash him in a diaper bag and we can get a shot at the gravesite maybe with the bagpiper behind him.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    No way, Jen. I know Marmie would NOT be happy if I did that at the funeral, even if no one was looking. If Marmie says she wouldn’t mind as long as I was discreet, then I’ll do it.

  • jen , Direct link to comment

    She’ll roll her eyes and say no. We could be discreet, though. Maybe at the front gate at Ft Myer as we go in? You’ll be stopped for security anyway – that would be perfect.

  • jen , Direct link to comment

    No, I’m trying to help you get a cook Schrute shot.

    Listen, your car will be stopped for a security check at the gate. Because it’s a minivan, they’ll probably do a manual inspection of contents. That’s when we can get a picture of Schrute with one of the guards or something.

    Plus, I think I’m riding with ya’ll, so I can help.

  • denis , Direct link to comment

    I say we go for it. Hope that Marmie agrees to let us take a tasteful shot. If not, oh, well, it was a good idea.

  • jen , Direct link to comment

    I don’t think she’ll care about the gate as long as we don’t try at the actual funeral.

    Of course, once the funeral is completely over and people are gone, you could still try to get a shot in the graveyard – Schrute Honors Our Fallen Veterans.

  • Denis , Direct link to comment

    I think it would be fun to take a pic of Schrute wherever we go. Not that we travel much. It would be neat to get “him” in front of the Washington Monument or the White House.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Jen – we can give it a shot. I’ll bring him and see what happens.

    Denis – I agree. We can start a Schrute Moblog. πŸ™‚

  • Marmie , Direct link to comment

    Ahem…I don’t think they will allow you to take pictures at the security gate. Don’t try, you don’t want them to take your camera.

  • jen , Direct link to comment

    We can ask the guards. I don’t think they’ll take the camera – I’m sure a lot of folks bring cameras for the funerals.

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