What A Weekend

I feel like this weekend went on forever. And it was just a normal weekend. But it seems like we spent most of the weekend outdoors, which was enjoyable but tiring.

Yesterday we went across the street to our neighbors’ house. They were have a BBQ to celebrate their daughter’s birthday and also to allow people the opportunity to see the fireworks that the nearby golf club was setting off post-July 4th. They do it the Saturday after July 4 and in our particular section of the neighborhood we have a PERFECT view.

They had a trampoline set up (that was their daughter’s big gift), and CootieGirl and CootieBoy went NUTS. They did NOT want to get off the trampoline. The fireworks didn’t start until close to 9:30 p.m. and my kids were still cuckoo for jumping. However, they did take a quick three minutes to enjoy the fireworks. CootieBoy sat next to me and everytime a firework went off in the air he’d slap me on the arm and point, as to say, “Hey – are you missing this? This is GREAT!” But as I said – it lasted all of three minutes before both of my kids wanted back on the trampoline, even though it was completely dark outside.

We got home around 10 p.m. and you would THINK that CootieGirl and CootieBoy would be exhausted – but no, they wanted to continue playing. I think they fell asleep after we did for all the energy they had.

Today we were invited back over, and this time the kids went into the kiddie pool, which was the perfect size. They had a blast splashing around with our neighbors’ children and then jumping on the trampoline.

We did almost nothing house-related except Denis did work to bird-guard the gutters. We didn’t pack a single thing, but that’s what this Thursday and Friday are for, right? We did begin making calls to change the address on various accounts and bills as well as arranging for cancelled services like cable tv and the phone company. We have three more companies to contact tomorrow and that’s all done, I believe.

I almost look forward to going to work tomorrow – it may be calmer than the entire weekend!