May Close Early Today

Mr. Russell said he’s going to work on El Presidente to get The Company closed early today even though we’re getting a four-day weekend for July 4th. That would be nice since I would have to cover reception from 4-5 p.m. if we stayed open and I REALLY don’t want to stay here until 5 p.m. if I can help it.

Driving to work was a breeze this morning – I even left 15 minutes late and STILL drove into the parking lot on time. Gotta love people who want 5-day weekends!!

Tonight I start my week-long task of taking care of our neighbor’s fish. They are leaving today to go out of town for their son’s wedding in Nashville. Since we’re not going to the wedding (WISH we could though!) he asked me to feed his tropical fish during the week they are gone. He has some lovely fish – the tank is HUGE and there are at least 12 fish in there of various sizes. CootieBoy and CootieGirl love going over there to see Nemo (appropriately named by them since he’s a clownfish), so I’ll probably take one of them with me tonight when I go over to feed them.

That is all for now. Carry on.