Another Busy Day

Another busy day at work today because Mr. Russell is out next Monday and Tuesday and is trying to get stuff done.

This morning I have already finished expenses, finished an illustration, typed up his itinerary for his trip and finished that cold-call list that I’ve been working on all week.

Now I’m working on converting a PDF into Word – the text was all dumped in about an hour ago and now I’m just cleaning it up. I’m on page 9 of 15 pages, but I’m a bit concerned because the original document is 21 pages. I’m hoping that my end result will be the same and that I didn’t accidently drop any text somewhere.

In other news, my jeans are WAY too tight today. My three good pairs of jeans are all in need of laundering, so I had to wear a pair that never fit quite right even when I was a bit thinner. *sigh* At least I managed to pick out a shirt that hides the “overhang”. :sarcastic:

In still yet other news, everyday at work my left hand eventually smells like dirty feet, and I realized just now why that is. My left hand rests on my desktop when I type, and basically gets rubbed across my desk the entire day as I work on my computer. So all that friction, much like a sockless foot in a sneaker, causes bad smells. I don’t know how I’ll resolve it since it’s not like I can retrain myself to stop typing the way I’ve typed for over 20 years. But I’ll bring in some of the scented hand lotion I have at home and try to go wash my hands more frequently (I already wash them at least 4 times a day here at work – maybe I’ll up it to 6-8).

That is all.

Another Busy Day

Another busy morning so far – I’ve not stopped since I arrived. Mr. Sutherland was going to be in our other office today but told me that he went on auto-pilot upon getting in his car and when he realized he was headed HERE instead of the other office he opted to just keep going. So he’s here all day today. And WORKING ME. *lol*