Yesterday at work I popped a mini-bag of popcorn as an afternoon snack. About halfway through a piece of kernel got lodged in the back of my throat. I attempted to get it out, to no avail. It was mildly annoying but I finished the popcorn and continued on with my day.
I got home and attempted to dislodge the kernel again. I’ll try to describe where it is: I believe it’s on the very back of my tongue, the part that rests against the back of my throat. So whenever I swallow I can feel it back there, but no amount of gargling, eating sticky things, drinking water, sticking my finger down my throat or fake gagging will get that thing loose. And so I continued on with my evening, still feeling that kernel but unable to get rid of it.
Went to bed. Woke up in the middle of the night with horrible stomach cramps and plumbing issues (thanks, stupid popcorn). Spent two hours going back and forth to the bathroom until I was finally able to go back to sleep about 5:15 a.m.
Woke up this morning with continuing stomach problems AND could still feel the kernel. While in the shower I stuck my finger down my throat and choked up some stuff that was everything BUT the kernel. Once out of the shower I brushed my teeth and jammed my toothbrush into the back of my throat with no success other than to almost make myself throw up. Grabbed a Q-tip and tried to swipe away the kernel. No luck.
Finished getting ready for work, and came in to the office. Had a bowl of cereal. Drank some orange juice. Once again stuck my finger down my throat.
And that :censored: piece of popcorn is still stuck in the back of my throat and now it’s just pissing me off.
Sounds like a trip to the ER is in order. A quick spray of lidocaine to numb the throat and they should be able to pluck it out tout suite.
Or you can gargle.
Maybe it’s a Tapeworm
Speech therapist here…we work with swallowing problems.
Everyone has a little flap in their throat that is connected to the very back base part of the tongue. This is called the epiglottis. The epiglottis together with the base of the tongue creat a little V-shaped groove just as you come over the back of the tongue. Food can get caught here, especially if the food is dry, small or oddly shaped (the hull of a popcorn kernel). Usually it will go away with time or drinking liquids.
My guess is that it did dislodge sometime through all your efforts to clear it. It likely sat there for a little while, which may cause a small irritation. That combined with you hacking, digging, and gagging likely irritated it more, creating a sensation that somethings there. Worse case senario, the kernal permanently planted in your throat and is going to sprout popcorn babies! 🙂
Hope that helps. Good luck!