It Was Nine Years Ago Today

Today is the ninth anniversary of the day that Denis and I got married. How did we celebrate this morning? Well, I hit the snooze button until 7 a.m. whereas Denis got up a bit earlier to get ready to take the kids to daycare. Ah, such blissful romance!

We’re not doing anything special today – Denis is powerwashing the deck and I’m here at work. We’re not doing anything special tonight and I don’t believe we’re giving gifts (at least, I’M not giving a gift – so Denis had better hold onto whatever he might have bought me if he did and give it to me for my birthday in June).

The good news, though, is that the premium red week we were going to use in May was credited to our account and RCI extended the booking deadline to April 2007 – just in time for our tenth anniversary. Which means Jen and Mom are out of luck – I’m going to try to get a Premium Red week for a big 10th anniversary trip.

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