The Ladies Who Lunch

Today I was invited out to lunch with a couple of the ladies here, and I thought you know what? I haven’t eaten out at work in MONTHS with the ladies. So I went. It was only four of us, and the place was awesome. It’s called Calaloo Cafe in Morristown, NJ and the menu was outstanding. All four of us spent many minutes trying to decide what to order because everything looked so tasty. There were easily about 10 different things that I could have ordered, and I ended up going for their Seafood Scampi which is actually not even listed in their online menu. The other women ordered the Pineapple Curry Chicken Salad. My lunch was delicious and the girls all enjoyed their salad. All in all a nice lunch!

I came back to find Mr. Russell and Mr. Professor sitting at my desk and working on a presentation on my computer. That was a little annoying – it’s not like I go into THEIR offices and work on THEIR machines when they are out (okay, well I do work on Mr. Russell’s machine but only when he’s traveling and only when he’s tasked me with something that can only be done on his machine). Either way, it’s still a bit offputting.

Then to top it off, Mr. Russell announces he IS going to be in tomorrow after all, that he’s decided NOT to go with his family to the Poconos for the weekend. *sigh*

One comment on “The Ladies Who Lunch

  • NJSue , Direct link to comment

    The next time you’re there try the crabmeat wontons. They are outstanding!!!!!

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