A Little TOO Detail-Oriented

Mr. Russell is driving me a little nuts today. This morning I spent three hours working on travel. You read that right. THREE HOURS. A task that should have taken thirty minutes tops. In each of the three cases he questioned the flight times that I found, asked me to print out a “new” list just to verify against the two-month-old list he had, and then second-guessed the flights he chose before going back to the original flights.

This happened three times.

By the time the receptionist called me to cover her break I all but ran to her desk because of my foul mood.

In other nitpicky news, he had me make a change to a table – a simple change involving the mere task of switching the order of two rows. It was done in fifteen seconds with a shiny new copy sitting on his desk. He actually came over and asked me to sift through my recycling bin to find his original so that he could “check the change”. The same recyling bin that is already stuffed with paper due to the travel scheduling drama of this morning.

I said, “All you asked was that I switch those two rows around (*pointing at the two rows on the paper he had in his hand*), I didn’t think you’d need the original back for that.”

“Yeah, well, I just wanted to look at it again.”

This :censored: is getting on my last nerve today.

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