Not So Bad After All

The day has been not-so-bad after all. I had a 10 a.m. meeting, another one at 11 a.m., then once that was done I went to lunch. Came back and worked on some illustrations for Mr. Russell. And now it’s already 2:05 p.m.! Nice!

The Company turned off all access to Yahoo today. I can’t even look at the front page anymore. I prefer Yahoo search function over Google, but it looks like I’ll have to make the switch. I’ll also miss the headlines I would read as well as the ability to track things like airfares, tv listings, my 401K holdings, and E-vites.

03 comments on “Not So Bad After All

  • denis , Direct link to comment

    They’re going to shut down access to Cootiehog next. Watch out!

  • Ace , Direct link to comment

    I meant to ask you what your little back door was to Gmail. Do tell.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    It’s weird because they left on access to other things – AOL News (even though most of AOL is firewalled), eBay, Amazon,, Barnes & Noble – those sites are all still available despite being “timekillers”. :sarcastic:

    The day Cootiehog is unavailable to me during the day is the day I turn in my notice. Seriously. I don’t think I could hack working at ANY company that didn’t allow me general access to my own website at various times each day. :scared:

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