The Vomitorium

So our house has officially been dubbed “The Vomitorium”. If you continue to read, read at your own peril because it’s ALL about the vomit.

It all started last week. CootieGirl has had a bad cough for the past few days, and at some point she coughed so much that she threw up all over our bed. Into the laundry everything went.

Then, yesterday afternoon CootieBoy woke from his nap and when I walked in the room it really smelled bad – like sour milk. I feared he had thrown up, but his bed was bone dry. There were a lot of clothes on the double bed in there, and when I moved some things to the side I saw a sippy cup that had tilted on it’s side and leaked all over the bed. A couple pair of CootieGirl’s pants were wet, and the comforter and sheets were wet. And it REEKED. Ugh. Into the laundry they went.

I took that opportunity to put away all of the kids’ clothes that were on the bed, and also ended up throwing out about 100 hangars that were unneeded and wasting space in their closet.

This morning while I was in the shower, Denis heard CootieGirl crying in their room. He went in and found she had thrown up in her bed. He got her cleaned up and then went downstairs to do something. In the meantime, I came out from my shower and saw that CootieBoy was awake in his crib. I picked him up and he smelled really bad and had some stains on his pajamas. Denis had come up at that point and was telling me about CootieGirl. He stepped into the kids’ room and said, “Well this is why CootieBoy reeks.” He brought in CootieBoy’s pillow and it had vomit all over it. Denis said, “His bed is covered with it too.”

Can I possibly do any more laundry? This is why our house in SC will have TWO washers and dryers. I’ve been doing an average of two loads of laundry a day for the past four days! We’re only four people – I shouldn’t be doing this much laundry!

Denis had planned on taking CootieGirl to daycare but keeping CootieBoy home. He called me while I was driving in and said that CootieBoy had thrown up again a few minutes after I left. Then Denis called me twenty minutes later and said CootieGirl had just thrown up again. Then when Denis was about to put the kids in the bathtub to get cleaned off CootieBoy threw up once more.

God bless Denis for staying home with them today – hopefully this bug will leave the kids pretty quickly because I know Denis is gonna be exhausted by tonight if he has to keep cleaning the kids all day.

Update at 10:30 a.m.: Well, Denis just called – apparently both kids have continue throwing up this morning. And apparently they do it in tandem. As soon as CootieBoy pukes and Denis begins cleaning him up, CootieGirl moans about her stomach and promptly pukes herself. Denis is getting very frustrated – I can tell from the way he just spoke to me on the phone.

Update at 11:42 a.m.: You would think at this point there would be no more contents in their stomachs. Denis told me via text message that CootieBoy fell asleep on CootieGirl’s bed and then woke up 30 minutes later and threw up all over her bed. Nice…

Update at 2:27 p.m.: I talked to Denis a few minutes ago. CootieBoy finally fell asleep after our last talk before noon and slept until 2 p.m. However, during that naptime CootieGirl continued to be sick, and when CootieBoy woke up from his nap he waited about 3 minutes and got sick again. It’s neverending. Denis said at this point neither of them should have anything in their stomachs, and yet the retching continues. As we were on the phone I could hear CootieGirl happily chirping and singing in the background.

03 comments on “The Vomitorium

  • Kate , Direct link to comment

    Oh God – what a nightmare. We had the pukey bug a couple weeks ago. I hope eveyone feels better VERY soon. Oh – and in regards to laundry, I run an average 1-2 loads a day as well for the 4 of us too. It never EVER ends!

  • Marmie , Direct link to comment

    Uh, Marmie is praying that the bug is dead before Friday. I’ll be bringing the disinfectant. 😉

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