A Name From The Past

I’m in shock – I just checked my old Hotmail account for the first time in months (which I NEVER use because it’s all spam) and happened to see a name in the inbox that I haven’t seen in about five years. My old pal TMcM emailed me from out of the blue!

He and I were friends when I lived in VA before I met Denis. To be honest, I had quite a crush on him for about a year (he was an amazing dancer, really cute and so quiet as to be incredibly irresistable), but nothing ever happened – we just remained good friends. Even after I met Denis, got married and moved to NY we kept in touch. He was in the military and we wrote letters to each for about a year or so (maybe more – I honestly can’t remember).

Eventually we lost contact – he got out of the military and at that point I was unsure where to contact him. So I was thrilled to see an email from him and promptly wrote him back. From the short paragraph he sent (he was always very succinct in his communication) it sounds as though life is treating him very decently.