The Wedding

So this weekend was my sister’s wedding. To be honest, a lot of the day is a blur, but I’ll try and capture some of the things I remember.

The morning and early afternoon were spent chilling at the ‘rents house. At around 3:30 p.m. I finally got into the shower and began getting ready. By 4:30 p.m. I had full makeup and my hair was blown out. CootieGirl also got to wear a little makeup – specifically some sparkly grey eye shadow and some lipstick (she insisted). The Cooties hopped in the van and headed to the church, arriving at 4:45 p.m.

Their church is very open – in that “tons of windows and no curtains” kind of way. Thus, the getting-ready room? Completely visible from the busy road and part of the parking lot. And not just visible, but visible through a 20’ wall of windows. There was much scampering about as the flower girls got ready and the women (myself included) attempted to help Jen get ready. My mom decided to take a nap after spending all morning doing reception decorations, and ended up arriving rather late, which stressed Jen just a bit, considering Mom “forced” Jen to get there at 3:30 p.m., a full hour before anyone else was expected to arrive, myself included.

Finally Mom arrived around 5:15 p.m. with the dress (it actually may have been more like 5:30 p.m.). Joanie and I quickly got into our bridesmaid dresses (hello, busy road and parking lot!) and then helped Jen get on her dress (in the bathroom), which was quite lovely and suited her perfectly. Soon, Mary (the photographer, makeup artist AND hairdresser) was snapping various pictures of us scurrying around the room doing last minute touches.

CootieGirl loved her flower girl dress and for all the chaos of the rehearsal she was ready to go for the wedding. Mary curled CootieGirl’s hair and put it back in clips and she was like a little fairy princess all dolled up. TOO CUTE. Pictures to come, I’m sure.

Next thing we knew, it was 7:00 p.m. and the wedding needed to begin. We raced out to the foyer of the church and waited for our cues. Like a dream, when CootieGirl’s turn came she sweetly walked down the aisle holding the bell, although it’s didn’t ring that often due to the ribbon that my sister had added at the last minute to help CootieGirl “hold” the bell.

The ceremony was a blur, and the longest 45 minutes of my life. Why? Because my feet were literally killing me. Once we got onto the church stage we had to stand there the entire time – through the singing, the message, the communion and the prayers. ALL of it. I spent the bulk of the time staring at a flickering candle flame trying to think of anything but the fact that my feet felt like knives were being jammed into my toes. I had worn the shoes to Mare-Bear’s wedding, but because I was able to sit the bulk of the ceremony I never knew just how painful they were. At some point during the communion Joanie leaned over and whispered, “Just go over to the piano bench, take them off and come back.” I turned to Jen and psst’d her. “Can I go take off my shoes?” I asked. She glared back and said, “Uh…NO.”

Fifteen minutes later the final walk down the aisle took place and once in the hallway I scampered down to the getting ready room and gratefully put on the slippers I had brought to wear to the reception. Jen and Beau greeted all of their guests and ushered them toward the party area. The church has a HUGE lounge area that was set up for the reception and it was quite nice, actually. My mom did a great job making it an elegant, classy affair – and it showed. I think everyone had a great time and I had a blast catching up with people – some of whom I hadn’t seen in 10-12 years.

CootieGirl had a great time at the reception eating marshmallows and drinking sparkling juice. CootieBoy came out of the childcare room for a while so that people could meet him as well.

Promptly at 10:30 p.m. the car arrived to whisk Jen and Beau away, and by 10:47 p.m. I was walking into the house with two tuckered kids. Denis and I put them to bed and stayed up to watch Dick Clark ring in the new year, and by 12:15 a.m. I was passed out in bed, and didn’t awaken until 10:30 a.m. on Sunday. And I wasn’t the only one who was exhausted – CootieGirl woke up after I did!

02 comments on “The Wedding

  • Marmie , Direct link to comment

    In my defense, after spending five hours decorating the santuary and reception area, without benefit of food or drink, I took a twenty-minute power nap before getting ready for the wedding. All in all, except for the last-minute rushing around, I think it turned out nearly perfect. Lesson learned on my part ~ I needed to enlist more helpers for set up and clean up.

  • jen , Direct link to comment

    It was all like a fairytale.

    I’m sorry about your aching feet. Thanks for standing next to me. Love you!

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