The Christmas Pageant

Well, it wasn’t straight out of “A Prayer For Owen Meany”, but today my church had it’s first annual Christmas Pageant with the kids. We had about 50 children participate, dressing up as anything from shepherds to angels to wise men to animals to three hilarious kings. CootieGirl wore her best dress and looked quite fetching standing center stage while singing “Away in the Manger”. CootieBoy was dressed up as a lamb and looked slightly bored (or tired) by all the proceedings as he was carried around the stage by one of the childcare women.

Ace came in support, and it was generally a fun – if slightly uncontrolled – time. The kids with speaking parts didn’t seem to realize that the wireless mikes by their mouth picked up EVERYthing they said, including coaxing each other with forgotten lines.

The Three Kings were the hit though. They nailed their lines and boisterously sang “We Three Kings” as they walked around the audience as they made their pilgrimage onto the stage where Joseph, Mary and Baby Jesus sat.

The show was a hoot and I can’t wait for next year!

03 comments on “The Christmas Pageant

  • mac , Direct link to comment

    If someone could guarantee me that the Baby Jesus would have an erection in the Nativity [you know, a la Owen Meany] and then freak out and order his parents out of the church, I might be tempted to go to one of those things. *grin*

  • Ace , Direct link to comment

    I had a great time. :clap:
    As I said last night, I love the way your church presents itself. It was nice being there for your family.

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