Stepping Out in Faith

I haven’t spoken of it in since last week, but we think we may have made a tentative decision on land Fort Mill, SC. We saw the land online early last week and made a couple of calls to the realtor and the county assessor’s office. Yesterday I got a call back from the county assessor with some good news on the ability to combine two lots into one larger lot and retesting the land for water perc. I then placed a call to the realtor per Denis’ instructions and asked a very casual question on the seller’s willingness to negotiate on the price. I told her our absolute max that we want to pay, and she said she’d get back to me after she has a conversation with the seller.

Then last night I got an email from my other Fort Mill scout, a blogger named Amy, who also did a drive by and gave me additional info on the street, the plots and the general area. Based on Christy’s info and Amy’s additional insight, it’s definitely a no-brainer and I’m glad I put the call in to the realtor about getting two plots.

If the seller is amenable to the price I suggested, then Denis and I will begin much praying and soul-searching because the price is still a bit high for what our plans were. But the land has a lot going for it, so it’s worth the price. If the seller is NOT amenable to the price I suggested, then Denis and I will just buy the largest of the three lots. Either way we still end up with a great amount of land. Right now we’re on .18 acres. The single lot we’re most interested in is .45 acres. That’s more than TWICE what we have now, which is awesome. The “extra” lot would just be a bonus and is not a requirement at all. But it would be nice to have the privacy of a nearly complete acre. We’ll see.

So pray for us – pray that we have the wisdom to make the right decision AND the faith to act appropriately. Either way this is a major investment for us since we’re already on a tight budget. But it’s for our future, so it’ll be worth every penny spent.

Update at 12:30 p.m.: Well, I just got off the phone with the realtor. The seller is loathe to lower his price since he already reduced it once and is patient about selling. No biggie though, since we didn’t have our heart set on buying both lots.

02 comments on “Stepping Out in Faith

  • kellybf , Direct link to comment

    It sounds great!:grin:

    I was hoping it would be in my neck of the woods though…:cry:

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Kelly – I know! I’m sorry we didn’t get to come to your neck of the woods during our vacation. But Fort Mill just felt “right” when we visited. But at least we’ll only be about 3 hours away once we get down there…that’s much more reasonable. =)

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